Love Local and Happy Coloring
Try Local First is a Gresham Area Chamber committee that works to help support local merchants through advocating, educating and collaborating. This effort is sponsored by Gresham Ford.
Love Local
“Do you know someone in the community who spreads love and kindness or needs love and kindness shown to them?” This was the theme of February’s “Gresham Ford Love Project 2021”! The nominations lifted up some of the brightest “givers” in our community and gave a little love to some of those who have lost members of their family to the recent pandemic. Teachers, front-line healthcare workers, hospice volunteers, local business people who give regularly, volunteers and others were nominated. So, we hope it brought a little joy to all those that were acknowledged.
We are so thankful to those that took the time to nominate and spread the love to these folks. We were shooting for 10 but just couldn’t stop we bought 15 $100 gift certificates from local restaurants. We tried to be thoughtful buying from Main Street Gresham, Main Street Troutdale and Fairview as well. Locally owned restaurants have been in-proportionately affected by the regulations and closures during Covid.
It is heartwarming to see the parking lots at Heidi’s full again. Especially, as that business lost one of its founders this past week. Don Eklund will not be forgotten as his good deeds and kindness will go on for generations to come by the thousands he has touched in our community with a smile and cheery greeting, a handshake or a job. Our prayers and sympathy to his beautiful wife, Marie and family.
The nominations for the “Love Project 2021” accomplished the very thing we are trying to promote. Two of the winners are Brad and Jane Roe of Weston Dealerships and Steve and Karen Johnston of All About Automotive. Some may view us as competitors and not likely to be honoring each other but that is the point. In a world that has gotten way too divisive we want all of those in our Industry (and every Industry for that matter) to succeed as they too have employees and families that they love and care for. We just want to love and lift up everything LOCAL! As the sign on Brad’s Birthday Firetruck states, we want “Gresham Helping Gresham”!
So on to the Easter Baskets....Easter Baskets of significant value, filled with gift certificates and local purchases will be given away in March. It is an Easter Egg coloring contest for those 12 and under. Download and print your coloring sheet and then take a picture to upload it to the contest page. See the button link below. Or go to Gresham Ford on Powell Blvd and pick up your coloring sheet from any staff member. You can return it there as well. Happy Coloring!