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This is a Gresham Oregon wide celebration open to all Gresham area businesses and residents.

Adopt-A-Cop with the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce

Celebrate National Law Enforcement Day and Adopt-A-Cop

January is Adopt-A-Cop month! Participating Businesses will be supplied with signage for store windows and a “tool kit” of a variety of ways to celebrate the police officer.

This is no cost to participate in the program and is a city-wide opportunity. You need not be a Chamber member to participate.


You can sign up now and anytime in the month of January. The campaign starts Sunday, January 9th on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. The tool kits will be distributed the first week of January

You may adopt more than one police officer. You also may request a particular police officer.

Participation will be recognized in the Outlook with business names in a timely manner after the program is well underway.

Shop with a Cop in Gresham Oregon

Our sincerest thank you to all the Gresham area businesses and individuals who are participating in our Adopt-A-Cop program.  The outpouring is truly incredible.  To get involved call the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center staff at 503-665-1131.

How will you show your appreciation?

Share your ideas gestures of gratitude across social media. Share the love.

Gresham Area Adopt-A-Cop with the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce